Standard Production Time: Dispatch is normally 5-7 working days from artwork approval. Please confirm prior to ordering as production times can vary
Decoration: Price above includes laser engrave in 1 position
abcdef: object(WP_Post)#36167 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(14994) ["post_author"]=> string(1) "2" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2021-01-26 11:21:04" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2021-01-26 01:21:04" ["post_content"]=> string(1370) "The modern Harmony Metal Stylus is a 2 in 1 ballpoint and stylus, making them ideal gifts for students, teachers, designers and office staff. Available in 5 stylish colours, with a patterned lower barrel, anodised aluminium barrel, shiny chrome trims, push action and engraves to silver. Each pen can be personalised with a message or business details of your choosing, and they can be ordered in larger quantities to suit the size of your company or marketing campaign. It has extended writing life with Parker style German black ink with writing capacity to 1,800m.


  • Modern 2 in 1 design
  • Push action
  • Engraves to silver
  • Parker style quality German ink refill - 1,800m
" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "Harmony Metal Stylus Pen" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(24) "harmony-metal-stylus-pen" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2023-04-14 10:52:29" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2023-04-14 00:52:29" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(64) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(1565) ["post_type"]=> string(7) "product" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
Stock colours:

Contact us for other colour options

Harmony Metal Stylus Pen

Product code: PS023
Please enter a number greater than 50
or Get a Quote on just this item
Qty Unit Price (ex GST)
100 $2.38
250 $1.84
500 $1.59
1000 $3.70
Standard Production Time: Dispatch is normally 5-7 working days from artwork approval.
Decoration: Price above includes laser engrave in 1 position
abcdef: object(WP_Post)#36167 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(14994) ["post_author"]=> string(1) "2" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2021-01-26 11:21:04" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2021-01-26 01:21:04" ["post_content"]=> string(1370) "The modern Harmony Metal Stylus is a 2 in 1 ballpoint and stylus, making them ideal gifts for students, teachers, designers and office staff. Available in 5 stylish colours, with a patterned lower barrel, anodised aluminium barrel, shiny chrome trims, push action and engraves to silver. Each pen can be personalised with a message or business details of your choosing, and they can be ordered in larger quantities to suit the size of your company or marketing campaign. It has extended writing life with Parker style German black ink with writing capacity to 1,800m.


  • Modern 2 in 1 design
  • Push action
  • Engraves to silver
  • Parker style quality German ink refill - 1,800m
" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "Harmony Metal Stylus Pen" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(24) "harmony-metal-stylus-pen" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2023-04-14 10:52:29" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2023-04-14 00:52:29" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(64) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(1565) ["post_type"]=> string(7) "product" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
Stock colours:

Contact us for other colour options

The modern Harmony Metal Stylus is a 2 in 1 ballpoint and stylus, making them ideal gifts for students, teachers, designers and office staff. Available in 5 stylish colours, with a patterned lower barrel, anodised aluminium barrel, shiny chrome trims, push action and engraves to silver. Each pen can be personalised with a message or business details of your choosing, and they can be ordered in larger quantities to suit the size of your company or marketing campaign. It has extended writing life with Parker style German black ink with writing capacity to 1,800m.


  • Modern 2 in 1 design
  • Push action
  • Engraves to silver
  • Parker style quality German ink refill – 1,800m

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